6 Benefits of Using a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP)


Technology is one of the most quintessential parts of running a business. Having the right IT strategy, infrastructure, and support has a major impact on important factors like employee productivity, data security, growth potential, and so much more. While using an in-house IT team can work well in the beginning, growing businesses often find that in-house IT employees are quickly overwhelmed by the demand and scale of technology needs. Outsourcing IT to a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP) offers several benefits that can help your business survive and thrive long term:

Improve Security

Cyberattacks are ever-evolving and increasing at an alarming rate – in fact, cybercrime was up 50% between 2020 and 2021. Since most businesses will face a cyberattack at some point during their lifecycles, working with an MSP puts your company’s cybersecurity in the hands of professionals. An MSP who knows your account and your company’s industry will be familiar with common threats and vulnerabilities that could harm your business. They will also help you build sustainable cybersecurity policies that will educate your employees and keep your business safe.

Work With Experts

In addition to safeguarding your company’s data, an MSP also proactively ensures the health and longevity of your business. A team of experts will conduct important activities such as:

  • Analyzing your company’s current technology infrastructure
  • Making informed recommendations about technology upgrades and investments
  • Providing resources and support for employee education around technology
  • Tailoring IT infrastructure to your company’s needs and budget
  • Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies to help your company’s technology run smoothly

Update Technology

Aging or outdated technology can drastically slow a successful company’s growth, productivity, and profitability. Once you outsource, most MSPs perform an initial in-depth IT assessment to analyze the current state of your IT infrastructure. Their team of experts then provide a range of recommendations about how to best care for, update, and manage both your hardware and software – just like Qnectus did for this company. MSP specialists are constantly on the lookout for cutting edge technology and programs that can boost your company’s bottom line – not only does outsourcing take the pressure off your employees, but it also puts your business in a better place to get proactively ahead of your competition.

Streamline IT Support

In-house IT professionals often find it difficult to juggle the demands of technology support alongside their other roles and responsibilities. Streamlining support to an MSP allows your employees to interface with a team of experts; these IT professionals know your account and can quickly provide actionable steps towards resolving issues. Benefits of using an MSP for support include:

  • 24/7 access to IT support
  • Specific channels for reaching IT support
  • Multiple trained IT professionals who are familiar with your company’s account
  • Expert advice for resolving challenging IT issues
  • Company employees can focus on their core responsibilities instead of IT support

Avoid Downtime

Unplanned downtime can negatively affect a company’s bottom line by reducing employee productivity and negatively impacting relationships with customers and stakeholders. One study by IDC notes that 80% of small businesses have experienced downtime at least once, with overall costs ranging from $82,200 to $256,000 per event. While some causes of downtime are unavoidable (like natural disasters or carrier outages), common issues like human error, software/hardware problems, and cybercrime can be proactively neutralized by an experienced MSP who knows your business.

Realize Cost Savings

Although MSPs require a monthly investment, many companies realize significant cost savings by outsourcing IT. MSPs help clients save money because they are able to:

  • Identify existing opportunities for reducing IT spend
  • Make expert recommendations about IT investments and infrastructure
  • Reduce the need for in-house IT staff/training
  • Reduce unplanned downtime
  • Create more predictable costs overall


If your in-house employees are overwhelmed by IT demands, working with an MSP can provide your business with a range of important benefits. If you are considering outsourcing your IT needs, contact Qnectus today. 

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