How Qnectus Helped a Corrugated Tray Forming Operation Shift into the Cloud

SRILX Products is an agriculture-focused corrugated tray forming operation based in Kennett Square, PA.

In November 2015, SRILX Products approached Qnectus for assistance migrating to the cloud.

Up to that point, SRILX had put into place and utilized a fairly rudimentary on-premise IT setup. Terminals across both the production and administrative areas were connected to a single server that was aging quickly and poorly backed up; internet connectivity was, at best, inconsistent; and with critical accounting files residing only locally, the existing IT infrastructure was a business disaster waiting to happen.

Enter Qnectus.

After conducting an in-depth onsite review of SRILX’s network, physical devices, and line of business applications, Qnectus proceeded to do the following:

  • Work with both Verizon and Comcast to upgrade SRILX’s internet connections and provide much-needed redundancy (SRILX operates seven days per week).
  • Spin up and populate a custom Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment for all production and administrative work stations.
  • Migrate legacy Yahoo! email boxes to Office365.
  • Migrate existing telephony to VoIP.

The end result: a strong IT foundation to support SRILX’s burgeoning rate of growth. A few highlights:

  • New users are spun up by Qnectus in a matter of minutes – along with appropriate permissions for any required line of business applications and corporate email accounts. And departing users are spun down just as quickly.
  • Upper level management, all of whom spend much of their time on the road, have complete access to their IT systems from any of their preferred devices including laptops, home desktops, tablets, and phones.
  • The VDI infrastructure is hosted in a highly-secure and redundant Tier 2 environment – ensuring data integrity, compliance, and business continuity.

Over the last five plus years, SRILX has more than sextupled in revenue – and the VDI infrastructure originally put in place in 2015 has scaled in textbook fashion.